Love One Another Capital Campaign 2021

St. Charles Borromeo, Milwaukee

Our Parish Roots

The faith community of St. Charles Borromeo was established on July 25, 1960, by Archbishop William Cousins. This parish would be the last one established within the Milwaukee city limits with the first liturgies held at nearby Wisconsin Telephone Company until the church was completed in 1961.

The first pastor of St. Charles Borromeo was Rev. Carroll Guenther and with the School Sisters of St. Joseph from Hamburg, New York St. Charles Borromeo School was opened in 1963. Today, 62 years after our humble beginnings, St. Charles Borromeo continues to serve the needs of over 800 families.

We have many faithful volunteers serving in our Human Concerns ministries, our Faith Formation programs, and in countless other ways throughout our communities. St. Charles Borromeo Parish School continues to teach over 230 children, sharing not only learning, but our strong faith traditions of this community. As a parish, we continue the work of our mission: “Dedicated to Faith, Family and the Future.”


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Our Share

Through much prayer, planning and conversation, we have identified our greatest needs and initiatives to strengthen our mission and vision for years to come. Our share of the funds raised will be used to address building and grounds needs and establish more ministry and mission opportunities. 

Parish Goal


Wave 3 

January 2023 - June 2023

Final Total Pledged 


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St. Charles Borromeo Parish includes three buildings on our grounds that allow us to be faithful stewards. Funds will be used for various capital improvement projects. The parish will upgrade our worship space by refinishing our sun faded pews, replacing the damaged carpet, and improving ventilation. The convent built in 1963 needs new heating and air conditioning units. We will improve the landscaping and add security cameras for safety. The Love One Another Campaign will support our parish in achieving these desired upgrades that would normally not be included in our parish budget as well as others in the future as our buildings age and need improvements.


Part of the Love One Another campaign will be used to create a fund for mission and ministry opportunities. This fund will allow us to plan mission trips, provide guest speakers, and establish other ministry opportunities to expand our faith and the mission of the parish.

Love One Another

PO Box 070912
Milwaukee, WI 53207-0912

3501 South Lake Drive
St. Francis, WI 53235

Phone:  (414) 769-3459


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