Love One Another Capital Campaign 2021

Grant Application Forms

Grants Area of Focus


Catholic Education

The Love One Another Trustees will be issuing Catholic School Grants twice a year from the Love One Another Trust: Fall Grants and Spring Grants. Any of the 101 Catholic schools within the Archdiocese of Milwaukee that is officially recognized by the Archbishop as a Catholic school is eligible to apply for a Love One Another grant.   The Love One Another capital campaign is targeting to raise $12 Million with the goal of strengthening our Catholic schools to provide our children academically excellent, faith-filled education. Schools will be limited to one grant application per grant cycle for a total of two per year for the following categories: Mission & Catholic Identity, Instructional Resources/Program Improvements, Technology Needs, and Tuition Assistance.

Catholic School Grants

Grant Category

Grant Cycle

Examples for the Category

Mission & Catholic Identity

Fall & Spring


Faith formation; recruitment, enrollment and marketing initiatives; liturgical needs, environmental enhancements, religious artifacts, resource materials, etc. 

Instructional Resources / Program Improvements

Fall & Spring



New programs, supplemental resources to advance existing programs, text books, playground equipment, etc.

Technology Needs

Fall & Spring


Software needs, hardware needs, website needs, chrome books, tablets, Wi-Fi, etc. 


Grants for Mission & Catholic Identity, Instructional Resources/Program Improvements, and Technology Needs will be awarded twice a year at the discretion of the trustees and are targeted from $5,000 to $25,000.

Applications for the 2024 Fall Grant cycle are now open and the Catholic School Grant Applications are due on April 24, 2024.  Grant awards will be issued to schools in August of 2024.

Catholic School Grant Application Form

   Catholic School Grant Report Form

Please mail all required documents along with the application to the Love One Another Trust, Attn. Grants, P.O. Box 070912, Milwaukee, WI 53207-0912, or email to

If you have any questions regarding the grants they can be sent to or contact Samantha Wright at (414) 769-3327.

Catholic School Tuition Assistance Grants


Grant Category

Grant Cycle

Examples for the Category

Tuition Assistance

Fall Only

Tuition Assistance support to directly benefit students who have a financial need in paying school tuition.   (Not intended to support students participating in the Parental Choice programs). 


The Catholic School Tuition Assistance Grant will be awarded once a year in the Fall Grant cycle beginning the fall of 2024. Applications for the 2024 Fall Grant cycle are now open and the Catholic School Grant Tuition Assistance Applications are due on April 24, 2024.  Grant awards will be issued to schools in August of 2024.

Grants for Tuition Assistance will be awarded once per year at the discretion of the trustees and will be awarded in amounts up to $5,000 for elementary schools and up to $10,000 for high schools, in amounts not less than $500 per student. K-12 schools may apply for both elementary and high school assistance.

Catholic School Tuition Assistance Grant

Please mail all required documents along with the application to the Love One Another Trust, Attn. Grants, P.O. Box 070912, Milwaukee, WI 53207-0912, or email to

If you have any questions regarding the grants they can be sent to or contact Samantha Wright at (414) 769-3327.

Love One Another

PO Box 070912
Milwaukee, WI 53207-0912

3501 South Lake Drive
St. Francis, WI 53235

Phone:  (414) 769-3459


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