Love One Another Capital Campaign 2021

St. Martin of Tours, Franklin

Our Parish Roots:

St. Martin of Tours roots begin with early histories from Holy Assumption and Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary parishes, and more recently welcoming a Vietnamese Catholic community. Holy Assumption Parish started as a predominately Irish parish in 1847. Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary was formed on land donated by Holy Assumption in 1858 to serve German Catholics who had settled in the area. A new school building was established in 1955, and by 1958, 725 pupils were registered at the school.

In 1971, the church underwent major renovations by removing the altar and communion rails. In October 1982, just prior to the 125th anniversary celebration, a newly remodeled Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary was rededicated. A new parish center in 1992 would cause the interior of Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary to change for the final time to include a new gym and hall with a kitchen facility. In 1998, Holy Assumption and Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary become St. Martin of Tours. On October 2, 2004, St. Martin of Tours celebrated the first mass in the new church, with the old church repurposed as a gathering space (narthex). The Vietnamese community joined our Parish community in 2007. Whether a short or long history, today St. Martin of Tours is one under God growing as a faith community.

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Our Share

Through much prayer, planning, and conversation, we have identified our greatest needs and initiatives to strengthen our mission and vision for years to come. Our share of the funds raised will be used for the repair & re-pavement of our parkinglot, maintenance of our roofs, HVAC systems, security systems, and to provide needed technology upgrades to the church narthex and hall.


Parish Goal


Active Campaign

Wave 3

January 2023 - June 2023

As of 9/20/2024

Total Pledged


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Asphalt areas not included in the initial church parking lot repaving project are badly deteriorated, hampering traffic flow and accessibility to the cemetery. This project necessary to finish what was started. The HVAC units for the church building are decades old and becoming ineffective and costly to repair - they need to be replaced. School, parish office, and church buildings need upgrading, maintenance, and repairs to keep them efficient and viable for future generations. Completion of the Rose Window included in the Master Plan from the construction of the church and replacing other windows with stained glass.


Our parish wishes to enhance the worship experience with available technologies and also make other spaces more efficient. This would include an assistive listening, or Loop, system for the hearing impaired, acquiring audiovisual technologies for the church, narthex, meeting rooms and making it possible to stream and record Church services and meetings. This would improve participation during Church services and events as well as be inviting to younger families. Streaming and recordings will be available to non-members and can be shared as part of our evangelization efforts.

Love One Another

PO Box 070912
Milwaukee, WI 53207-0912

3501 South Lake Drive
St. Francis, WI 53235

Phone:  (414) 769-3459


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