Love One Another Capital Campaign 2021

St. Lucy, Racine

Our Parish Roots

The history of the Church in Racine dates to the earliest days of the “circuit” missionaries who traveled from Detroit to serve Wisconsin’s Catholics. However, as the Catholic presence flourished in cities, many parishes were unable to support parish schools and some ethnic groups, including the Italians, often chose to send their children to public schools. In 1905, Pope Pius X issued Acerbo Nimis, a document that focused on the importance of pastoral care for children who were not in Catholic schools.

This encyclical inspired Father John Lyons of Chicago to collaborate with Lilian Kubic, a laywoman, to create a catechetical program that came to be known as the Catholic Instruction League (CIL). The purpose of the CIL was to provide religious instruction to children in public schools and to adults in need of faith formation. The program was also unique because of its reliance on lay teachers, especially women.

In 1916, Archbishop Sebastian Messmer invited the CIL to Milwaukee and, in 1917, the CIL opened a center in Racine. Focusing on the Italian and Hungarian communities, the CIL’s teachers raised funds for a new building that would serve as both a classroom and a site for Mass. This building came to be known as the Catholic Instruction League Chapel and the first Mass was celebrated there on Palm Sunday 1922. At that time, the only furniture in the building was an old table that was used as an altar.

In 1925, the CIL chapel became a recognized mission and was named in honor of St. Lucy. Although the Catholic community in the Lakeside neighborhood would only be recognized as a parish in 1958, the community built a new church in 1933 and continued to grow steadily in ways that the founding generation could never have imagined.

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Our Share

Through much prayer, planning and conversation, we have identified our greatest needs and initiatives to strengthen our mission and vision for years to come. Our share of the funds raised will be used for capital improvements, establishment of a restricted fund for future maintenance repairs and the creation of new faith formation opportunities for parents and families as well as new members.

Parish Goal


Wave 2

July 2022 - December 2022

Final Total Pledged


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We have been blessed with a beautiful church building and grounds which have allowed our parish family to celebrate the Eucharist and continue God’s work in Racine.  To be good stewards of our worship space, there are several key projects to address.  These projects include the purchase of a new boiler and HVAC controller.  Our boiler is rapidly approaching the end of its useful life.   The carpet in our worship space is original to the parish and should be replaced within just a few years.  Our stained-glass windows are beautiful but require ongoing maintenance to insure their longevity.  Both the large and small parking lots need repairs over and above normal periodic sealcoating.  All these investments will create a more welcoming, comfortable, and safe environment for our parish. 


As our parish structures continue to age repairs will be necessary.Establishment of a fund solely dedicated to our facility maintenance and repairs will ensure that structural emergencies will be funded lessening the need for ongoing pulpit requests for funds to maintain and preserve our church and school buildings.


  OUTREACH - $35,835

To remain a bright, vibrant, and growing parish, we need additional funding that goes beyond our operating expenses to financially support our ministries. This portion of the funds will be reserved for supporting Innovative Faith Formation programs, outreach for new members and programs designed for parents and families.

Love One Another

PO Box 070912
Milwaukee, WI 53207-0912

3501 South Lake Drive
St. Francis, WI 53235

Phone:  (414) 769-3459


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