St. Bruno, Dousman
Love One Another Capital Campaign 2021

St. Bruno, Dousman

Our Parish Roots:

St. Bruno Parish has been a part of the small village of Dousman since 1852 and is one of the older parishes in the Archdiocese. Our founding fathers, a group of German Catholics, settled here around 1841 and constructed the original church with logs in 1852. In 1956 St. Bruno Parish moved from its former rural location into the village of Dousman on the present site, and the school opened in 1961.

Named after St. Bruno, one of his most favorite quotes exemplifies the mission of our parish: “While the world changes, the cross stands firm.” We adopted this as the motto of our parish, and it remains a sentiment we firmly believe.

We are a family-friendly parish with more than 2000 members. We foster an environment of lifelong faith which includes a K3-8 school as well as formation programs for all ages. In doing so, we become the person God created us to be - sharing our prayers, prosperity and talents.


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Our Share

Through much prayer, planning, and conversation, we have identified our greatest needs and initiatives to strengthen our mission and vision for years to come. Our share of the funds raised will be used for church maintenance, facility improvements, and ministry growth and enhancements.


Parish Goal


Active Campaign

Wave 3

January 2023 - June 2023

As of 9/20/2024

Total Pledged


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To foster a safe and functional environment to worship, we must prioritize the maintenance of our buildings. Through this campaign, we plan to complete necessary repairs and improvements to ensure the structural integrity of our church and safety of our parish family for decades to come.

The projects include:
• Painting the gathering space
• Upgrade church lighting
• External lighting upgrades


We plan to embark upon a series of projects within our parish space to maintain a safe and nurturing environment for our students. These upgrades and improvements provide the much-needed space and security for our students to flourish academically, mentally, and physically.

The projects at the school include:
• Gym heating unit upgrades
• Gym window replacement
• Upgraded wiring for computer, classroom, and cable requirements
• Boiler room maintenance


Through this campaign, we also hope to provide necessary enhancements to our current ministries. Specifically, we aim to provide lifelong faith formation through support of our youth and adult catechetical formation. This will ensure our parishioners are continually growing in their Catholic identity.

These funds will be used to grow:
• Adult Faith Formation
• Child, Youth & Family Ministry opportunities
• Human Concerns offerings and opportunities

Love One Another

PO Box 070912
Milwaukee, WI 53207-0912

3501 South Lake Drive
St. Francis, WI 53235

Phone:  (414) 769-3459


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