To foster a safe and functional environment to worship, we must prioritize the maintenance of our buildings. Through this campaign, we plan to complete necessary repairs and improvements to ensure the structural integrity of our church and safety of our parish family for decades to come.
The projects include:
• Painting the gathering space
• Upgrade church lighting
• External lighting upgrades
We plan to embark upon a series of projects within our parish space to maintain a safe and nurturing environment for our students. These upgrades and improvements provide the much-needed space and security for our students to flourish academically, mentally, and physically.
The projects at the school include:
• Gym heating unit upgrades
• Gym window replacement
• Upgraded wiring for computer, classroom, and cable requirements
• Boiler room maintenance
Through this campaign, we also hope to provide necessary enhancements to our current ministries. Specifically, we aim to provide lifelong faith formation through support of our youth and adult catechetical formation. This will ensure our parishioners are continually growing in their Catholic identity.
These funds will be used to grow:
• Adult Faith Formation
• Child, Youth & Family Ministry opportunities
• Human Concerns offerings and opportunities